Thursday, February 13, 2014

Phone As PC

It's not the main thrust of the article, but "Phone As A PC" does get a mention. I think this should be the hottest trend going, not wearable computing. My iPhone has always been faster than any work PC I have ever been assigned, with the exception of the latest. And apps and games on the iPhone seem to run better than on my strongest gaming machines at home, with less problems and gotchas.

So as more and more folks get smartphones, why not make them a substitute for their desktop PC? They already can work with monitors and keyboard and mice in a limited fashion. Just make such extensions easier and more useful. Enable phones to use external storage devices, and even printers.

There were some Android phones, I think from Motorola, that had a desktop mode, that were shown at CES two years ago. doesn't seem like they took off. But clearly this trend has far more usefulness than a watch that tells you when your phone has a text.

Imagine being able to sit down at any PC station, and get your stuff - your programs, your data, without having to mess with virtualization. I can imagine it, and I want it.

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