Wednesday, November 25, 2009 / MediaFly app – iPhone versus Droid

I enjoy listening to Leo LaPorte’s tech podcasts ( With his growth the last year he is looking to expand beyond iTunes distribution, and also make the leap from audio to video (not to mention making the leap from the internet to your TV via the Roku player).

So he has teamed up with MediaFly ( to distribute for him. The hows and whys are more complicated than I want to get into here.

I used to listen to the podcasts in the Zune software on my laptop when home, and on my Zune player when out (via the generic RSS feed functionality built into Zune).

Now there are MediaFly “apps” for both the iPhone and the Droid for “accessing” (streaming/downloading) the podcasts. I am using them both, and I can’t help comparing and contrasting.

Let me cut to the chase.. they both are very young, but right now the Droid app is more useful to me. Let me soften that by saying I realize how fortunate we are to be living in an age when we see advances like this – streaming and downloading mobile audio and video without having to sync. MediaFly is getting this attention because they are breaking ground, and we are the winners either way.

Both apps have drawbacks around the GUI, with the iPhone one being very busy-looking, with mystery pauses in navigation, and controls that don’t act like standard iPhone controls.

The Droid app is very touchy – over and over I lose where I am or exit the app altogether just in handling the cell phone normally.

There are a couple of issues they have in common – for instance the inability to move around in the media. I often want to back up 30 seconds or one minute in an hour-long audio or video, and that is impossible with these clients, where the Zune made it dead-simple. They need to add buttons to the slider already present. Also, if you exit the clients, most likely they will not remember the media you were playing, where you were in it, etc.

Now for my reasons for preferring the Android client at the moment - (1) Twit video – android app has it, iPhone app does not, and (2)the GUI is a little cleaner.

Actually to really make this fair I should download the full beta Android client, because the one I have is just for the Twit network of shows.

MediaFly -

iPhone app -

Android app -

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Headset Buddy

I have been looking for this for years!

So this seems like a simple thing to me, however I have never been able to find it before. Use your 2.5mm mono cell phone headset with your pc (dual 3.5mm stereo) for Skype, or vice versa (use your computer mic and speakers, or gaming headset, with your cell phone - dual 3.5mm stereo to 2.5mm mono). As an added bonus they have an adapter to use your cell phone headset (2.5mm mono) with your iPhone/Droid (3.5mm stereo with mic)! What a find.. Booyah!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Google Bookmarks in iPhone

I recently decided to move my bookmarks from Simpy ( where they have languished waiting for me to tag them, to Google Bookmarks (

There’s a bookmarklet on that page for desktop browsers that works well. However I also wanted to use this on my iPhone. You can use bookmarklets from the iPhone bookmarks once you get them in there, but there’s no simple way yet that I could find.

Here’s the current code for that bookmarklet, hopefully the blog engine won’t mangle it. Just create a throw-away bookmark and then edit it, setting the url to the following by copy-pasting it:

javascript:(function(){var a=window,b=document,c=encodeURIComponent,""+c(b.location)+"&title="+c(b.title),"bkmk_popup","left="+((a.screenX||a.screenLeft)+10)+",top="+((a.screenY||a.screenTop)+10)+",height=420px,width=550px,resizable=1,alwaysRaised=1");a.setTimeout(function(){d.focus()},300)})();

UPDATE: I confirmed that this works with the iPhone, but so far no dice with the Android Droid..

UPDATE; It looks like Android (well the built-in browser) doesn’t support bookmarklets at this time -

( ). The workaround would be to copy-paste the bookmark URL ahead of the URL you wanted to bookmark, which sounds painful. I’ll try this out some before recommending it.

Popular podcasts

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Amazon Kindle app for PC

This is great news – Amazon has released an app for the PC for reading Kindle books. I’m not sure how this will affect sales of Kindle hardware but it is great for folks who already have Kindle hardware and books!

Thanks Paul -

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Google Wave Book

Gina Trapani, of LifeHacker fame, writing with the current LifeHacker editor Adam Pash, is offering a preview of her new book for free viewing. If you are wondering, “What is this Wave thing?’, this is where you need to go to find out.