Monday, June 30, 2008

Pockt Solutions - wide range of accessories for i760

It's amazing the list of good accessories Pocket Solutions has created or got a hold of for the Verizon Wireless Samsung i760. Wonder if they can trump Samsung, Verizon, and Microsoft and get us 6.1 ...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Reminder - shared feeds

This is just a reminder, that if I have no value to add to an article I read in Google Reader, but I still want to pass it on, I just share it, so it won't show up in this feed. However there is an RSS feed for those items, which you can add to your news reader:


Missing Link - Web mail to Pop mail

This is absolutely genius! Surprised this didn't come up before. These guys intermediate between web-only email and pop/imap, so you can connect to Hotmail/Yahoo mail etc. Awesome for iPhones, Windows Mobile, or forwarding hotmail to gmail. Wow! Not free, but very cheap so far.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Open IE7 with a list of URLs each in its own tab

Well I had spent some time when IE7 first came out, and then again maybe 6 months after, trying to find a solution for this. I want IE7 to open with multiple web sites already up, each in its own tab. IE7 does not support this via command line. I looked into scripting it, but didn't find anything really stable or usable.

However some more time has gone by, and somebody has figured it out:

I had to do some playing, adding try-catch blocks to each URL line, and then changing the order of the URLs around quite a bit. It seems that problems with the target site really affects this script. But I did get it to work reliably. Thanks Tony!

Friday, June 6, 2008

New (to me) source of IT Podcasts

I'm a huge fan of Leo Laporte's "suite" of tech podcasts (, which I learned about when Paul Thurrott ( starting doing one, and now Joel Spolsky ( has pointed me to another network of tech podcasts I was unaware of - IT Conversations (