Friday, July 30, 2010

Google Calendar mobile clients don’t set default reminders

Oh this bug drives me crazy!! I can’t believe they haven’t fixed this yet, it’s been years!

When you create a new calendar item from the mobile web client, it doesn’t create any of your default reminders with it, so you get no notice of the event.

Furthermore, all the syncing services also seem to skip the reminders, or set a pop-up reminder, or just keep their own reminder. I am thinking here of the iPhone calendar and syncing via Nuevasync (imap/Exchange) and desktop Outlook syncing over gSyncIt, though the last time I checked the same was true of the various Microsoft and Google syncing utilities as well.

I should note in Google’s defense that the capability is available via the API.

I note that the iPad can switch between mobile and desktop versions of the web client, so that is an additional way to create appointments besides via a desktop browser, and still get default reminders.

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